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Baltic electricity transmission system operators launch the Baltic balancing capacity market ahead of synchronisation with Continental Europe
Emitents Augstsprieguma tīkls, AS (64883LC3F12690GATG87)
Veids 2.2. Iekšējā informācija
Valoda EN
Statuss Publicēts
Datums 2025-02-05 09:09:46
Versijas komentārs

Litgrid, Augstsprieguma tīkls, and Elering, the Baltic States electricity transmission system operators (TSOs), have launched the Baltic balancing capacity market. The new market will ensure reserve capacity needed for system balancing and frequency management after Baltic States power systems disconnect from Russia controlled IPS/UPS system and synchronise with Continental Europe this weekend. 
“We are closely working together to carry out Baltic synchronisation and to ensure system stability and reliability during the decoupling from IPS/UPS, isolated operation and integration into Continental Europe Synchronous Area. The successful launch of the Baltic balancing capacity market has enabled us to acquire balancing services necessary for the system operation. Furthermore, in the future, as the share of renewable energy increases in the overall market, the capacity market will also be an important tool for market participants, enabling them to generate additional revenue,” says Jolanta Graudone, Head of AST System Ancillary Services Unit at AST. 
The first auctions in the Baltic balancing capacity market were carried out yesterday and TSOs have already procured capacities from market participants for each bidding period today. The market currently consists of frequency containment reserve (FCR) and manual frequency restoration reserve (mFRR). The Baltic TSOs procured 1257 MW of total balancing capacity for each period, which includes 29 MW FCR, 730 MW mFRR (upward) and 498 MW mFRR (downward).  
Cross-zonal capacity is allocated for the exchange of the balancing capacity and sharing of reserves in line with Baltic TSO developed Market-Based allocation methodology pursuant to European Balancing guideline.
Initially, the automatic frequency restoration reserve (aFRR) capacity will not be procured, as accession to the aFRR balancing energy exchange platform PICASSO has been delayed due to technical reasons beyond the control of the Baltic TSOs. Until Baltic aFRR balancing energy exchange is enabled, the Baltic TSOs will procure the needed FRR capacity in the form of mFFR to ensure safe and stable operation of the power systems. This adjustment does not hindering the synchronisation process or affect grid stability after joining the Continental Europe Synchronous Area.
Balancing capacities are a service purchased by the TSOs to ensure the guaranteed availability of balancing resources. The auctions take every day, in which the operators order balancing capacities for the next 24-hour period from the offers submitted by balancing service providers. If necessary, the TSOs use the ordered balancing capacities for frequency deviation management. These orders take place in the balancing energy market.
The total market demand for balancing capacity in the Baltic States will reach approximately 1,500 MW in 2025. It is predicted that the demand for balancing capacity will increase with the growth of renewable energy production and the increase in the number of generating consumers.
Until now, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania operate in the IPS/UPS system, in which the electricity frequency is centrally controlled by Russia. Synchronisation with Continental Europe Synchronous Area will allow for independent, stable and reliable frequency control of the Baltic states electricity grids and will increase energy security in the region. 
On the 8th of February, the Baltic TSOs will disconnect Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian electricity systems from IPS/UPS and will start a joint isolated operation test. The synchronisation of the Baltic electricity systems with the Continental Europe Synchronous Area is planned on the 9th of February 2025.
Synchronisation will enable better EU transmission system interconnectivity and market integration, allowing Baltic electricity systems to operate under common and transparent European rules to the benefit of all the consumers. 
Synchronisation is supported by the EU with combined CEF Energy funding of around €1.2 billion, which is expected to provide up to 75% of project eligible costs.

About JSC "Augstsprieguma tīkls"
AST, the Latvian electrical power transmission system operator, ensures uninterrupted and secure transmission of electricity throughout Latvia. Its vision is to become the leading transmission system operator in the region through the efficient and successful implementation of development-oriented changes. AST has 68.46% shareholding in the capital of the operator of the natural gas transmission and storage system AS “Conexus Baltic Grid”.

Further information:
Līva Jēgere
Head of Communications
Ph: +371 26151344
Email: liva.jegere@ast.lv  

