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About the transaction with IPAS “Indexo” shares in accordance with the requirements of Regulation 596/2014
Emitents Indexo, IPAS (875500AT8JI5HU41AY20)
Veids 2.2. Iekšējā informācija
Valoda EN
Statuss Publicēts
Datums 2024-12-27 14:03:25
Versijas komentārs

On 20th of December 2024, IPAS "Indexo" has received notification about the transaction with IPAS "Indexo" shares from person discharging managerial responsibilities.

On 20th of December 2024, Vladimirs Bolbats, member of the board of the INDEXO group’s company, has accepted the exercise of a stock option for IPAS "Indexo" shares.

Detailed information is in the attached document.



INDEXO is a financial services group that includes pension management companies and INDEXO Bank. 

INDEXO, an investment management company licensed by the Bank of Latvia, offers modern 2nd and 3rd pillar pension plans in Latvia and is one of the fastest-growing pension managers in the Baltics, with over 141 thousand customers and more than EUR 1.34 billion under management. Meanwhile, INDEXO Bank is a credit institution licensed by the European Central Bank, which commenced operations on August 28th, and already has over 19,000 clients.

INDEXO is founded and based in Latvia and is listed on the Nasdaq Riga stock exchange with nearly 6,000 shareholders. INDEXO fights for a better financial environment in Latvia, and the group’s goal is to strengthen the well-being of Latvian residents by providing modern, personalized services. Additional information is available at www.indexo.lv.

         Contact information:
         Ieva Bauma
         INDEXO Head of Marketing and Communications
         P:+371 28 636 789

20241220_Vladimirs_Bolbats_pazinojums-par-darijumiem_LAT_ENG.pdf (160.59 kB)