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DelfinGroup announces fixing of coupon rate for the floating-rate bonds effective from 25 December 2024
Emitents DelfinGroup, AS (iepriekšējais nosaukums - ExpressCredit, SIA) (2138002PKHUJIMVMYB13)
Veids 2.2. Iekšējā informācija
Valoda EN
Statuss Publicēts
Datums 2024-12-20 14:24:06
Versijas komentārs

The new coupon rate of DelfinGroup bonds with a variable rate with quarterly interest rate fixing, from 25 December 2024 to 24 March 2025, is as follows.

Bonds included in the Nasdaq Riga Baltic First North market:

  • DGRBFLOT26FA, ISIN LV0000802718: 11.839%;
  • DGRBFLOT26FB, ISIN LV0000860146: 11.839%;
  • DGRBFLOT28FA, ISIN LV0000802700: 14.339%;


  • ISIN LV0000870145: 13.839%.


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About DelfinGroup

AS DelfinGroup is a licenced fintech company established in 2009 and operates under the brand names Banknote and VIZIA. The company has been profitable every year since 2010. DelfinGroup continuously develops and offers consumer and pawn loans, loans developed for senior citizens, Buy now pay later loans (BNPL loans), and the sale of pre-owned goods online and at more than 90 branches across Latvia and Lithuania. Since 2014, DelfinGroup has been known on the Nasdaq Riga Stock Exchange as a bond issuer and, since 2021, as a listed company on the Baltic Main List. The company regularly pays dividends to its shareholders. The sustainability of DelfinGroup is based on focused corporate governance, fintech innovation, responsible lending, financial inclusion, and facilitating the circular economy.


         For further information, please contact:
         Artūrs Dreimanis
         DelfinGroup Head of Treasury and Investor Relations
         Phone: +371 26189988
         E-mail: IR@delfingroup.lv
