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About transactions with IPAS “Indexo” shares in accordance with the requirements of Regulation 596/2014
Emitents Indexo, IPAS (875500AT8JI5HU41AY20)
Veids 2.2. Iekšējā informācija
Valoda EN
Statuss Publicēts
Datums 2024-01-26 16:57:47
Versijas komentārs

On 26th of January 2024, IPAS “Indexo” received notifications regarding transactions with shares of IPAS "Indexo" from persons discharging managerial responsibilities.

On 26th of January 2024, Tīna Kukka, member of the board of the INDEXO Group’s company, and Vladimirs Bolbats, member of the board of the INDEXO Group’s company, have exercised their IPAS "Indexo" share options. After the increase of IPAS "Indexo" share capital, the newly issued shares of IPAS "Indexo" will be owned by the mentioned persons. In accordance with the option agreement and the INDEXO Staff Option Program 2022, in order for Tīna Kukka and Vladimirs Bolbats to sell the acquired shares, the below mentioned conditions must be met.

In accordance with the share option agreement, the owners of the shares undertake not to exercise their rights arising from the ownership of such shares, including selling those shares, until the target date, which will be within 4 months after the publication of IPAS "Indexo" 2026 financial statements (hereinafter – the Target date).

The INDEXO Staff Option Program 2022 approved at the annual General Shareholder’s Meetings of IPAS "Indexo on 24th of March 2022 and on 30st of March 2023, provides that the owners of the shares can materially benefit in proportion to the number of shares allocated to them only if the market value of the IPAS "Indexo" shares on Target date exceeds the price of EUR 16.51 per share. However, the owners of share will materially benefit from all the shares allocated to them and will be able to fully exercise the rights arising from ownership of such shares, if on the Target date the market price of the shares exceeds the price of EUR 27.48 per share. IPAS "Indexo" share owners in turn incur losses, that are equivalent to the losses of other shareholders, if the market value of the IPAS "Indexo" share on the Target date is less than the price of the initial public offering of IPAS "Indexo" shares in 2022, that is EUR 14 per share.

About INDEXO  

INDEXO is an asset management company licensed by the Bank of Latvia, which offers modern 2nd and 3rd pillar pension saving plans in Latvia. INDEXO is the fastest growing pension management company in the Baltics with more than 127 thousand customers and approximately EUR 950 million euros of assets under management.

INDEXO is a Nasdaq Riga Stock Exchange listed company with close to 6000 shareholders and has an aim to fight for a better financial environment in Latvia. INDEXO vision is to become a financial services group that provides modern, personalized services empowering Latvia’s people for their prosperity.

Additional information is available at www.indexo.lv.


Contact information:
Ieva Bauma
IPAS “Indexo”
Board Member, Marketing Manager
E-mail: ieva.bauma@indexo.lv
Telephone: + 371 28 636 789

20240126_T_Kukka_pazinojums-par-darijumiem_LAT_ENG.pdf (170 kB)
20240126_V_Bolbats_pazinojums-par-darjumiem_LAT_ENG.pdf (404.79 kB)