Emitents | Indexo, IPAS (875500AT8JI5HU41AY20) |
Veids | 2.3. Paziņojumi par būtisku akciju paketi |
Valoda | EN |
Statuss | Publicēts |
Versija | |
Datums | 2024-01-31 17:37:48 |
Versijas komentārs | Pievienots labots pielikums |
Teksts |
On January 11, 2024, IPAS “Indexo” received notifications on obtaining a significant holding. Following the completion of the company's secondary share issue, starting from January 10, 2024, four shareholders have increased their voting rights in the Company above 5%:
Detailed information is included in the attached documents. About INDEXO INDEXO is an asset management company licensed by the Bank of Latvia, which offers modern 2nd and 3rd pillar pension saving plans in Latvia. INDEXO is the fastest growing pension management company in the Baltics with more than 127 thousand customers and more than EUR 915 million in assets under management. INDEXO was established in 2017 by a group of 30 experienced business representatives and managers with an aim to fight for a better financial environment in Latvia. INDEXO vision is to become a financial services group that provides modern, personalized services empowering Latvia’s people for their prosperity. Additional information is available at www.indexo.lv. Contact information: |
Pielikumi |