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AS “Citadele banka” audited interim report for the six months 2023 published
Emitents Citadele banka, AS (2138009Y59EAR7H1UO97)
Veids 2.2. Iekšējā informācija
Valoda EN
Statuss Publicēts
Datums 2023-09-11 16:00:16
Versijas komentārs

AS “Citadele banka” (Citadele) audited interim report for the six months ended 30 June 2023 has been published and is available on the Group’s website www.cblgroup.com.

About the Citadele Group

Citadele’s mission is to modernise the banking sector and offer more opportunities to cusotmers and businesses throughout the Baltics. In 2022, Citadele issued EUR 1.2 billion in new loans in the Baltics, with its total loan portfolio reaching EUR 3.0 billion, while total deposits reached EUR 4.0 billion by the end of the year. Alongside universal banking services, Citadele offers its clients a range of services based on next-generation financial technology, including its modern mobile app, contactless payments and instant payments. Citadele was the first bank in the Baltics to introduce account opening with a selfie, payment rings and payments to mobile numbers.  Citadele is headquartered in Latvia and Citadele group subsidiaries and branches operate in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.


         Ilona Frīdmane
         Head of Investor Relations & ESG
         Phone: +371 29483327
         Email: Investor.Relations@citadele.lv

_Citadele_6m_2023_audited_EN.pdf (1917.7 kB)