Emitents | HansaMatrix Akciju sabiedrība (529900S1YDO0MHC8K318) |
Veids | 1.1 Gada finanšu pārskati un revīzijas ziņojumi |
Valoda | EN |
Statuss | Publicēts |
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Datums | 2023-04-30 16:21:17 |
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In 2022, HansaMatrix achieved the historically highest revenue of EUR 28.89 million, which is 32% more than in 2021. In 2022, operating cash flow, EBITDA reached EUR 2.912 million, which is a 22% decrease compared to 2021; The normalized profit in 2022 amounted to 0.404 million EUR and was 65% less than the corresponding indicator of 2021.Riga, 2023-04-30 15:13 CEST -- In 2022, HansaMatrix Group's revenue from contracts with customers (hereinafter referred to as sales, revenue or turnover) amounted to EUR 28.89 million, which is a 32% increase compared to year 2021 revenue of EUR 21.96 million. In the reporting period, EBITDA amounted to EUR 2.912 million, which is a 22% decrease compared to EUR 3.732 million in 2021. The Group's net profit was negative at EUR 2.146 million. EUR compared to a net loss of EUR 1.821 million in 2021. For a better comparison of interim profitability, the Group calculates the normalized profit, which amounted to EUR 0.404 million in 2022 and was 65% less than the corresponding indicator for 2021 of EUR 1.165 million. The Group's revenue growth was driven by high demand in key industries, which, together with the active sales process and the still existing global semiconductor shortage, has delivered a significant volume of orders at the end of 2022 of 24.2 million EUR. The decrease in EBITDA in 2022 compared to 2021 is explained by the relatively smaller share of high value-added products in the range of manufactured products, which was affected by the global component deficit in Q2 and Q4 of 2022. The Group's significant losses for 2022 can be explained mainly by the Group's determination of fair value for investments in SIA Zinātnes Parks amounting to EUR 0.806 million and with losses from the associate company SIA Lightspace technologies, recognized in the Group's 2022 statement of comprehensive income of EUR 1.421 million. HansaMatrix Parent company closed the reporting period of 2022 with a net turnover of EUR 29.11 million, which is 36% more than EUR 21.36 million in the previous period. In the reporting period, EBITDA in the total amount of EUR 0.918 million decreased by 51% compared to EUR 1.877 million in 2021. Net profit was negative and amounted to EUR 3.468 million compared to a net loss of EUR 1.453 million in 2021. In 2022, the increased losses are mainly explained by the creation of provisions, revising the fair value of HansaMatrix investments in AS Lightspace Holding and the loan to SIA Zinātnes Parks. In 2022, consolidated unaudited revenue of SIA Lightspace Technologies reached EUR 0.56 million (2021: EUR 0.71 million), and the reporting year was ended with a net loss of EUR 2.42 million, compared to the net loss result of 2021, EUR 1.42 million. As of 31 December 2022, SIA Lightspace Technologies had total assets amounted to EUR 11.6 million. EUR compared to EUR 11.7 million EUR at the end of the previous year. SIA Lightspace Technologies plans to cover the losses of the reporting period and previous periods by attracting new investments in research and development, product development and commercialization. In 2022, investments were made in amount of EUR 1.271 million in production and research fixed assets for maintaining and increasing production capacity, developing test systems and developing the IT systems. The definitions of alternative performance indicators (APIs) used in the news release can be found on page 119 of the Audited Consolidated and Parent Company’s financial reports for the financial year 2022. Attachments: 1.HansaMatrix Audited Consolidated and Parent Company’s financial report for the financial year 2022 (PDF). 2.Auditor’s report. 4.Corporate Governance report for financial year 2022. Investor and media contact: Māris Macijevskis, CFA About AS HansaMatrix HansaMatrix is a fast-growing, high-technology company offering product design, industrialization and complete manufacturing services in data networking, Internet of Things, industrial and other high added value business sectors. |
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