Emitents | HansaMatrix Akciju sabiedrība (529900S1YDO0MHC8K318) |
Veids | 2.2. Iekšējā informācija |
Valoda | EN |
Statuss | Publicēts |
Versija | |
Datums | 2023-04-28 18:56:55 |
Versijas komentārs | |
Teksts |
The Board of Akciju sabiedrība “HansaMatrix”, reg. No. 40003454390, registered address Akmenu iela 72, Ogre, LV5001, Latvia (hereinafter – HansaMatrix) informs about convening the shareholders’ annual general meeting at Ziedleju iela 6, Marupe, LV-2167 on 31 May, 2023 on at 11:00. The Board of the Company will provide an opportunity to the shareholders to access the meeting remotely without being physically present in the meeting at the site. The shareholders are invited to consider the necessity to participate the meeting in person and to use their rights to vote in a written form before the shareholders’ meeting, or to participate in the meeting and to vote remotely by the means of electronic communication. Agenda: 1.Approval of report of the Management Board and the Supervisory Council on results of financial year 2022; 2.Approval of the Consolidated and parent company’s annual report for year 2022; 3.Approval of year 2022 Management Board and Supervisory Council Remuneration Report. The Company’s shareholders representing at least 5% of the Company’s share capital are entitled to request the Management Board to include additional items on the agenda of the meeting by 8 May, 2023. The requests shall be sent by mail to the Company’s office at Ziedleju iela 6, Marupe, LV-2167, or signed by a safe electronic signature and sent to the e-mail address invest@hansamatrix.com. The total number of the shares having voting rights is 1,836,381 (one million eight hundred thirty-six thousand three hundred eighty-one). Participation at the meeting: The shareholders are entitled to participate personally or delegate a representative. Representatives of shareholders at the registration have to present a power of attorney witnessed by a notary or a power of attorney legally equal to that and identification document.The template of the power of attorney is appended to this notice, and is also available on the Company’s site www.hansamatrix.com. A. The shareholders may participate in person at the site. The shareholders wishing to participate in person at the site are asked to submit the application form for the participation in person at the site to the company by the end of the day of 29 May, 2023 (appended to this notice): - electronically to e-mail: invest@hansamatrix.com, signed by a safe electronic signature, or - on paper by registered mail addressed to Ziedleju iela 6, Marupe, LV-2167 (we inform that shareholders need to act on a timely manner in this case). Shareholders will be informed about the reservation for participation in the meeting in person after receiving the shareholder's application. The number of participants that can attend the shareholders’ meeting in person is limited, please note the application deadline. The shareholders, who have submitted the application form by the set deadline, will be registered for the meeting at the site of the shareholders’ meeting on the day of the meeting on 31 May, 2023 from 10:30 to 10:55. Upon registration, the shareholders shall present an identification document. B. The shareholders may participate remotely. The shareholders, who wish to participate remotely, are asked to submit the application of remote participation by the end of the day of 29 May, 2023 (appended to this notice) together with a copy of an identification document to the e-mail address invest@hansamatrix.com, or on paper by registered mail together with a copy of an identification document addressed to Ziedleju iela 6, Marupe, LV-2167. Shareholders will be notified of the receipt of the application. Please observe the application deadline in order to ensure a successful meeting and counting of votes. The shareholders applying for remote participation on the meeting will receive a link (Zoom platform) to the provided e-mail address by 31 May, 2023, 9:00. On the day of the meeting, shareholders’ video identification will be carried out from 10:30 to 10:55 for safety reasons. The shareholders shall join the meeting since 10:30, and be prepared to present an identification document by video so that the Chair of the meeting can compare the image of the shareholder or representative with the image shown in the identification document. During the identification of the video, the head, shoulders, face without shading of the person and a clearly visible image in the presented document must be visible. The video and audio streaming of the meeting, as well as the process of video identification will be recorded. Only persons being shareholders as of the date of record shall be entitled to participate in the shareholders’ meeting. The date of record is the end of the day of 23 May, 2023. Voting: To speed up the course of the meeting and to make the counting of votes easier, the Management Board of the Company calls the shareholders to use their rights to vote in written before the shareholders’ meeting by the Voting form (will be published 2 weeks before the meeting together with the draft resolutions), which must be signed by a safe electronic signature and sent to the Company by e-mail to the address invest@hansamatrix.com or sent by registered mail to the Company’s office at Ziedleju iela 6, Marupe, LV-2167. Such a vote will be counted, if received by the end of the day of 30 May, 2023. Shareholders voting in this form shall be deemed as participating in the shareholders’ meeting. If a shareholder has voted before the meeting, it does not prevent him/her to participate the meeting in person at the site or to join the meeting remotely, and to participate in voting. In such case, the shareholder’s vote submitted previously shall be cancelled, and the vote submitted during the meeting shall be taken into account. Appendices: 1.Application form for participation in person at the site or remotely. The Management Board of HansaMatrix About HansaMatrix HansaMatrix is a fast-growing, high-technology company offering product design, industrialization and complete manufacturing services in data networking, Internet of Things, industrial and other high added value business sectors. |
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