Emitents | HansaMatrix Akciju sabiedrība (529900S1YDO0MHC8K318) |
Veids | 2.2. Iekšējā informācija |
Valoda | EN |
Statuss | Publicēts |
Versija | |
Datums | 2023-04-28 18:18:19 |
Versijas komentārs | |
Teksts |
The Board of Akciju sabiedrība “HansaMatrix”, reg. No. 40003454390, registered address Akmenu iela 72, Ogre, LV5001, Latvia (hereinafter – HansaMatrix) previously informed about convening the shareholders’ extraordinary general meeting at Ziedleju iela 6, Marupe, LV-2167 on 12 May, 2023 at 11:00 with opportunity for Shareholders to participate the meeting remotely and vote remotely by the means of electronic communication. Agenda: 1.Approval of Articles of Association, consolidated version (appended to this notice); Amended clause 6.1.; reducing the composition of the Council from 6 to 5 Council members. Draft resolution. To approve new wording of the Articles of Association, by expressing the current wording of Clause 6.1. of the Articles of Association: “The Supervisory Council consists of 6 (six) members elected by the General Meeting of Shareholders. Supervisory Council members shall elect from among themselves the Supervisory Council Chairman and one Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Council”, as follows: “The Supervisory Council consists of 5 (five) members elected by the General Meeting of Shareholders. Supervisory Council members shall elect from among themselves the Supervisory Council Chairman and one Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Council”. The consolidated version of the Company's Articles of Association is attached to this announcement. 2.Revocation of the existing Council of the Company. Draft resolution. To revoke current Council members Anders Lennart Borg, Dagnis Dreimanis, Normunds Igolnieks, Aleksis Orlovs, Baiba Anda Rubesa. 3.Election of the new Council members. Draft resolution. To elect new Council members Sandijs Abolins-Abols, Anders Lennart Borg, Dagnis Dreimanis, Juris Parups, Baiba Anda Rubesa. Anders Lennart Borg and Baiba Anda Rubesa are considered as independent Council members. Information on the Council member candidates’ professional experience is attached to this announcement. 4.Approval of the appointment of the Audit Committee duties to the Council. Draft resolution. To assign of Audit committee function to the Company supervising institution – Supervisory Council. Voting: To speed up the course of the meeting and to make the counting of votes easier, the Management Board of the Company calls the shareholders to use their rights to vote in written before the shareholders’ meeting by the Voting form (attached to this announcement), which must be signed by a safe electronic signature and sent to the Company by e-mail to the address invest@hansamatrix.com or sent by registered mail to the Company’s office at Ziedleju iela 6, Marupe, LV-2167. Such a vote will be counted, if received by the end of the day of 11 May, 2023. Shareholders voting in this form shall be deemed as participating in the shareholders’ meeting. If a shareholder has voted before the meeting, it does not prevent him/her to participate the meeting in person at the site or to join the meeting remotely, and to participate in voting. In such case, the shareholder’s vote submitted previously shall be cancelled, and the vote submitted during the meeting shall be taken into account. Appendices: 1.Articles of Association, consolidated version. Contact information for investors and media: http://www.hansamatrix.com About HansaMatrix HansaMatrix is a fast-growing, high-technology company offering product design, industrialization and complete manufacturing services in data networking, Internet of Things, industrial and other high added value business sectors.
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