Emitents | Latvijas kuģniecība, AS (48510000VYR04HZGC213) |
Veids | Informācija par akcionāru sapulcēm |
Valoda | EN |
Statuss | Publicēts |
Versija | |
Datums | 2007-07-23 13:41:14 |
Versijas komentārs | |
Teksts |
Approved by the Management Board of JSC “Latvijas kuģniecība”
on July 18, 2007
Revised by the Supervisory Board of JSC “Latvijas kuģniecība”
on July 19, 2007
Recall of the Supervisory Board.To release from their positions members of the Supervisory Board of the joint stock company „Latvijas kuģniecība” Uldis Pumpurs, Olga Pētersone, Andris Linužs, Pēteris Putniņš, Vladimirs Solomatins, Aldis Āķis, Laimonis Junkers, Vladimirs Krastiņš, Ansis Sormulis and Mamerts Vaivads as from the August 06, 2007.
Election of the Supervisory Board.
To elect the Supervisory Board of JSC „Latvijas kuģniecība” for three years in following composition, determining the beginning of the duties as of the August 06, 2007:
1) __________, ID:_________, address: _________________________;
2) __________, ID:_________, address: _________________________;
3) __________, ID:_________, address: _________________________;
4) __________, ID:_________, address: _________________________;
5) __________, ID:_________, address: _________________________;
6) __________, ID:_________, address: _________________________;
7) __________, ID:_________, address: _________________________;
8) __________, ID:_________, address: _________________________;
9) __________, ID:_________, address: _________________________;
10) __________, ID:_________, address: _________________________;
11) __________, ID:_________, address: _________________________;
12) __________, ID:_________, address: _________________________.
Joint Stock Company „Latvijas kuģniecība” has not received the shareholders’ proposals with respect to the candidates for the members of LASCO Supervisory Council to be elected by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on August 06, 2007.
Pielikumi |