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Decisions taken at JSC “Olainfarm” Extraordinary shareholders meeting held on July 20th, 2007
Emitents Olainfarm, AS (213800WCG52W62ENOP27)
Veids Informācija par akcionāru sapulcēm
Valoda EN
Statuss Publicēts
Datums 2007-07-20 13:30:23
Versijas komentārs
JSC „Olainfarm”                                                                                  20.07.2007.
Decisions taken at JSC “Olainfarm” Extraordinary shareholders meeting
held on July 20th, 2007.
The following decisions have been taken at JSC “Olainfarm” Extraordinary shareholders meeting held on July 20th, 2007:
1.1. make the following changes in the Statutes of JSC „Olainfarm”:
Express article 2.1. of the Statutes as follows: „Fixed capital of the Company is 14 085 078 LVL (fourteen millions eighty five thousands seventy eight lats). Fixed capital of the Company consists of 14 085 078 LVL (fourteen millions eighty five thousands seventy eight) shares. Nominal value of one share is LVL 1,- (one lat).”
11.2. Approve new edition of Statutes.
11.3. Determine that changes in Statutes and new edition of Statutes come into force in the day of their registration in Commercial register institution of the Enterprise register of the Republic of Latvia.
2.1. Release Tatjana Lukina from the position of the member of Council of JSC „Olainfarm”.
2.2. Elect the Council of JSC “Olainfarm” for the following three years term, authorization term of the Council starting on July 20th, 2007, as follows:
1. Juris Savickis
2. Ivars Kalviņš
3. Elena Dudko
4. Rolands Klincis
5. Aleksandrs Raicis
2.3. Establish the total monthly remuneration of the Council members in amount of Ls 13 400.
Olaine, July 20th, 2007.
Information prepared by 
Irina Bindare
JSC „Olainfarm”
Legal adviser
Tālr. 7013870, 29582367
Fakss 7013777
Statuti_jauna_redakcija_2007_engl_2.doc (30.5 kB)