On exclusion of shares from the regulated market
JSC "Grindeks" hereby informs that according to the decision of the unscheduled General Meeting of JSC "Grindeks" that took place on 12.11.2020 a decision to delist the shares of JSC "Grindeks" from the stock exchange, observing the provisions of Paragraph 7 of Section 77 of the Financial Instruments Market Law, as well as Provision 12.1 of Nasdaq Riga rule On Listing and Trading in Financial Instruments on Exchange Regulated Markets JSC "Grindeks" submitted to the organizer of the regulated market to the joint stock company "Nasdaq Riga" an application for exclusion of JSC "Grindeks" from the regulated market on 09.02.2021.
Further information:
Laila Klavina Head of the Communications Department, JSC "Grindeks" Phones: (+371) 67083370, (+371) 29256012 Fax: (+371) 67083505 laila.klavina@grindeks.lv