Emitents | Citadele banka, AS (2138009Y59EAR7H1UO97) |
Veids | 2.2. Iekšējā informācija |
Valoda | EN |
Statuss | Publicēts |
Versija | |
Datums | 2020-06-26 16:25:23 |
Versijas komentārs | |
Teksts |
On 24 June 2020, Citadele borrowed via the ECB's latest TLTRO III operation EUR 440 million for the 3-year term. Loan maturity date is on 28 June 2023 with early repayment option starting on 29 September 2021. Bank’s total borrowing allowances for TLTRO-III operations are set at EUR 452.96 million. Interest rate on TLTRO III is -0.5% from 24 June 2020 to 23 June 2021 and for banks meeting the lending thresholds, the interest rate can be as low as -1%.
Natalija Fokina |
Pielikumi |