Emitents | Siguldas ciltslietu un mākslīgās apsēklošanas stacija, AS (48510000ZQJJELMSZC35) |
Veids | 3.1. Papildu regulētā informācija, kas ir jāatklāj saskaņā ar dalībvalsts tiesību aktiem |
Valoda | EN |
Statuss | Publicēts |
Versija | |
Datums | 2020-04-24 16:11:32 |
Versijas komentārs | |
Teksts |
Resolutions to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of the JSC ‘Siguldas ciltslietu un mākslīgās apsēklošanas stacija’ on 24 April 2020 1.To approve the reports of the Company’s Management Board and the Supervisory Board on the Annual Report for the Year 2019. 2.To approve the Annual Report for the Year 2019. 3.To leave the profit of the reporting year 50343.35 EUR undistributed. 4.To discharge the members of the Management Board, the members of the Supervisory Board and the auditor from responsibility for action in the year 2019 and to resign from bringing claims against them. 5.To elect certified auditor Natālija Zaiceva (certificate No. 138, ‘Orients Audit & Finance’ Ltd, license No. 28) as the auditor. To confirm the remuneration of 3600.00 EUR for the auditor for the audit of the Annual Report for the Year 2020, applicable to VAT under the effective legislation. 6.To Approve the remuneration policy for members of the Management Board and the members of the Supervisory Board. 7.To elect Inita Bedrīte, Maija Beča, Baiba Mecauce, Guntis Mecaucis and Jānis Tūtāns in the Supervisory Board for a three-year term. The newly elected member of the Supervisory Board Guntis Mecaucis, who holds 5448 shares of the company, is a veterinarian and works as a sales manager at JSC Dimela Veta Latvija. The newly elected member of the Supervisory Board Jānis Tūtāns, who holds 1084 shares of the company, has been working at JSC ‘Siguldas ciltslietu un mākslīgās apsēklošanas stacija’ since 1987. Presently the manager of the Transport and Supply Department. To approve the remuneration of 170.00 EUR per month to Chairman of the Supervisory Board and of 150.00 EUR per month to each member of the Supervisory Board. We hereby inform that at the Supervisory Board’s meeting on 24 April 2020 as the chairman of the Supervisory Board was reelected Inita Bedrīte, and as the deputy chairman of the Supervisory Board was reelected Maija Beča. 8.To assign the performing of the functions of the audit committee to the Supervisory Board for a three-year term without additional remuneration. All resolutions approved with the required majority of votes.
The Management Board of the Joint Stock Company ‘Siguldas ciltslietu un mākslīgās apsēklošanas stacija’
Valda Mālniece Manager of the Financial and Accounting department, member of the Management Board E-mail: valda.malniece@sigmas.lv |
Pielikumi |