Emitents | Siguldas ciltslietu un mākslīgās apsēklošanas stacija, AS (48510000ZQJJELMSZC35) |
Veids | 3.1. Papildu regulētā informācija, kas ir jāatklāj saskaņā ar dalībvalsts tiesību aktiem |
Valoda | EN |
Statuss | Publicēts |
Versija | |
Datums | 2020-04-09 09:00:04 |
Versijas komentārs | |
Teksts |
Joint stock company ‘Siguldas ciltslietu un mākslīgās apsēklošanas stacija’ announces that the Regular Shareholders’ Meeting of shareholders on 24 April, 2020 will be held on the basis of the previously announced agenda. However, considering the emergency situation in the Republic of Latvia due to the Covid-19 pandemic as announced by the order No.103 'On declaration of the emergency situation' of 12 March, 2020 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia and to safeguard the shareholders and employees health condition as well as the public health in general, we kindly inform you that it is possible to participate at this meeting in a remote mode – by voting in writing before the meeting. To resolve the issues of the agenda, we kindly ask the shareholders, who wish to vote in a remote mode, to authorize the Management Board of the joint stock company ‘Siguldas ciltslietu un mākslīgās apsēklošanas stacija’ to vote about the issues included in the agenda of the shareholders' meeting in compliance with the voting order, issued along with the power of attorney. Please complete both documents (the power of attorney and the voting order) and:
The voting will take into account all duly completed powers of attorney and voting orders received by the above listed means till 23 April, 2020. Attached: 1. Form of the power of attorney to the voting order. JSC ‘Siguldas ciltslietu un mākslīgās apsēklošanas stacija’ draft resolutions of the Regular Shareholders’ Meeting on 24 April, 2020
8. To assign the performing of the functions of the audit committee to the Supervisory Board for a three-year term without additional remuneration.
The Management Board of the Joint Stock Company ‘Siguldas ciltslietu un mākslīgās apsēklošanas stacija’
Valda Mālniece Manager of the Financial and Accounting Department, member of the Management Board E-mail: valda.malniece@sigmas.lv |
Pielikumi |